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Would you like us to carry out the translation of your document(s)? Select below the type of document you want to request an estimate for.
For cost estimates via website, your document (s) must be in DOC or DOCX. If it is (they are) in PDF, please send it (them) to the email: traducenter@traducenter.com.br and we will respond immediately.
Common Translation
For personal use (e.g.: CV, correspondence, lyrics, etc.)
Certified Translation
For use before school entities (diplomas, certificates, history, newsletters, etc.), business entities (contracts, reports, minutes, projects, etc.) bank entities (extracts, declarations, etc.)
Simple Sworn Translation
Documents issued by notary public or government agencies (birth, marriage, death and military discharge certificates, RG, CPF, passport, voter's ID card, etc.)
Complex Sworn Translation
Other documents of any sort that do not fit in the Simple category (court proceedings, articles of incorporation, specific school documentation, medical certificates, etc.)